Rebekah is a service designer and the director of Growth and Balance, a consultancy that works with large organisations to deliver services that work for the people who use them.
Rebekah has advised CEOs, established multiple high performing teams and delivered services that have gained industry awards and recognition.
She is a pragmatic leader with experience of delivering complex service design challenges.
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Rebekah is also a coach. If you think you might like to be coached by Rebekah, fill in this form and she will get back to you to set up an initial appointment and discuss your coaching goal.
Recently her team at NHS Digital was recognised with a prestigious data excellence award. Rebekah established the user research team and consulted on this project.
At Co-op Rebekah was reverse-mentor to CEO,Steve Murrells.
Recent clients include: Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS), NHSx, Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), EqualExperts.
To get in contact and see case studies of my previous work please message me on Linkedin
Email: rebekah @ growthandbalance dot co dot uk
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